The internet is full of it.
And yes, even I as colorist have my inspirational searches on the Internet.
But here's the truth about some of those lovely colors on the net:
Original picture vs. photoshopped
But what triggers me the most to writing this blog are the latest trends as granny hair, silver hair and denim hair:
Original vs. photoshop
What the Internet doesn't tell you,
pastel colors like silver, grey or blue are only to be done on perfectly white bleached hair!
I repeat this again!
If the canvas isn't white, your color will turn out greenish, brassy and believe me, ugly!!!
And to top it of with my favorite example:
None of the pictures above have the wright canvas to really create these colors, that's what I am trying to make you see...
You still want pastel hair?
I understand that!
I have been changing my pastel colors for years now and I love it!
Here I am, colored by my magician college Kelly Buytaert, head colorist of Toni Kalin Salons
So if you don't have the right canvas yet?
Don't book a single color session if you want your brown, blond, copper or any not-white-color turned into pastel,
come visit us for consultation first!
Together we can work out the progress suitable for your hair.
~None of these pictures are mine, I am not responsabele for the Photoshop on these.
All pictures where found on the internet~
(Exept the picture of my face, that picture was made by my husband :-)